Albania: Determination of public authority representing the state as the owner of shares of electricity sector, Area, 30.04.2016

V E N D I M PËR PËRCAKTIMIN E AUTORITETIT PUBLIK QË PËRFAQËSON SHTETIN SI PRONAR TË AKSIONEVE TË SHOQËRIVE TË SEKTORIT TË ENERGJISË ELEKTRIKE Në mbështetje të nenit 100 të Kushtetutës, të neneve 48, pika 2, e 53, pika 3, të ligjit nr.43/2015, “Për sektorin e energjisë elektrike”, dhe të nenit 4, të ligjit nr.7926, datë 20.4.1995, “Për transformimin […]

Sqarim i Entit Rregullator te Energjise per opinionin publik, Tiranë, më 28.04.2016

Deklarate per shtyp Duke marrë shkas nga raportimet e ditëve të fundit në media lidhur me përmbajtjen e Raportit Vjetor të vitit 2015, Enti Rregullator i Energjisë sqaron opinionin publik sa vijon: Bazuar në vendimmarrjen e Bordit të ERE, datë 26.12.2014, çmimi për konsumatorët familjarë u unifikua në 9.5 lekë/kWh, nga ai me dy fasha përkatësisht 7.7 lekë/kWh dhe 13.5 […]

Western Balkans 6 TSOs, regulators and energy ministers agree on day-ahead market integration and cross-border balancing targets, 27 Apr 2016

Today representatives of transmission system operators, national regulatory authorities, and ministries of energy and power exchanges of the Western Balkans 6 countries1 committed to implementing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) setting out general principles of cooperation as well as concrete actions to develop the regional electricity market. The memorandum of understanding was signed at the premises of the Energy Community […]

ECRB publishes energy market monitoring report of gas transmission system operators, 22 Apr 2016

The Energy Community Regulatory Board (ECRB) has published its Market Monitoring Report on gas and electricity wholesale and retail markets covering the Energy Community Contracting Parties and Georgia in 2014. This is the first report of its kind, mirroring the Annual Market Monitoring Report of the Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). The retail market chapters provide a status […]

Regulators certify TAP A.G. as an independent transmission operator, 18th April 2016

The three National Regulatory Authorities of Albania (ERE), Greece (RAE) and Italy (AEEGSI) have successfully concluded the certification of TAP AG as an independent transmission operator for TAP, the pipeline that will bring Azeri gas to Italy, through Greece and Albania.The decision of the three Authorities is the result of the excellent partnership undertaken since the beginning of the exemption […]

TAP AG – First TSO certified under Third Energy Package, 13 Apr 2016

Today Albania’s national regulatory authority, ERE, published its final decision on the certification of TAP AG, a transmission system operator under the Third Energy Package, adopted on 31 March 2016. In line with the distribution of competences between national regulatory authorities and the Secretariat, ERE took account of the Secretariat’s Opinion adopted on 3 February 2016. ERE’s national decision is […]