Les régulateurs de l’UE décideront sur la transaction de 73 milliards de dollars entre Shell et BG avant le 2 septembre 31/07/2015

Les régulateurs antitrust de l’Union européenne décideront avant le 2 septembre s’ils vont approuver l’achat prévu de BG Groupe de 47 milliards de livres ($ 73,25 milliards) par Royal Dutch Shell visant à devenir l’entreprise top de gaz naturel liquéfié au monde. La Commission européenne a déclaré que la société anglo-néerlandaise a demandé l’autorisation mercredi. L’analyse pourrait être prolongée par […]

Moldovan regulator approves new energy tariffs, 28 Jul 2015

The Energy Community Secretariat welcomes the Moldovan Regulatory Authority Board’s (ANRE) decision of 18 July to increase the electricity and gas tariffs to end-consumers towards more cost reflective prices and adopting tariffs for access to electricity distribution networks. The adjustment of the electricity end-user tariffs was necessary to avoid a possible security of supply crisis, escalated by the recent depreciation […]

First Network Code adopted! Internal Energy Market gets closer, 4 billion savings in for Europe’s customers, Brussels, 27 July 2015

“The publication of the EU guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM) in the Official Journal is great news for the Internal Energy Market and for the European customers”, commented Konstantin Staschus, ENTSO-E Secretary-General. “The next challenge is to implement it consistently in all Member States”, he added. Peder Andreasen, ENTSO-E President, stresses that the European transmission system operators […]

New CEER reports set out recommendations for gas storage and security of supply 22 July 2015

The Council of the European Energy Regulators (CEER) announce the publication of its two new gas reports: (1) CEER Concept Paper on Security of Gas Supply; and(2) CEER Report Monitoring Implementation of the Gas Storage Guidelines of Good Practice (GGPSSO) and the GSE Transparency Template. As an input to the ongoing revision of EU Regulation 994/2010 on security of gas […]

New electricity market rules allow efficient EU-wide electricity trading, Friday, 24 July, 2015

The European Commission has adopted new electricity market rules which will bring the goal of a well-integrated EU internal energy market a step closer. The new Regulation creates a comprehensive legal framework for electricity trading in Europe and makes so-called ‘market coupling’ legally binding across the EU. Market coupling essentially brings all bids and offers from different national power exchanges […]