Expectation and Opportunities of 13th Ministerial Council Meeting of Tirana by Dr Lorenc Gordani | Wednesday, Sept 30th, 2015

on effective collaboration on energy policy between civil society and
government institutions

The transformation of the today energies market highlights
need after making the market to make the consumer. The question only in
appearance simple pass through the activation of the role of civil society and the involvement of the CSO in the formal
channels of representation. Nevertheless the above complexity, going here by
order, it would like to start by recalling the importance of a very special
institutional moment that we are facing.

Without going very deeply into
the details of legislative agenda, it is the place to start by mention the 13th Ministerial Council Meeting to be
held in Tirana, on 16th October 2015, will see the address of an opening speech by Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete. The here ministerial follow the summit
held in Vienna, seen as a crucial a fully alignment with EU energy legislation
(namely EU Third Energy Package) and bring back healthy competition in order to
encourage foreign private investment in power generation, cross-border
interconnectors, as well as the enabling more significant use of renewable
energy and efficiency measure.

In regard
the legally framework, the Ministerial Council (MC) decision prepared
by the 38th
Permanent High Level Group (PHLG), kept in Vienna, 22 September 2015, has
already approved the Decision on the implementation of the Energy Efficiency
Directive (2012/27/EU) although the overall timeframe of 2020 remains a
challenge, especially financial. Other
work that are attending for an adoption is the Decision regard comply with the
Energy Community Treaty on the Renewable Energy. And Decision on setting an
implementation deadline for existing plants regard the Directive 2010/75/EU on
industrial emissions.

In regard the institutional framework, the all see the
adoption of the Procedural Act on the establishment of Energy Community
Parliamentary Plenum meetings (already
endorsed by 38th PHLG). Accompanied
for equivalence with the involvement of the CSO by the Secretariat draft presented on Procedural
Act (endorsed without amendments) on strengthening the role of civil society,
which in the context of the EnC suffers from a lack of formal representation. The
all completed by the Procedural Act on the Rules of Procedure
for Dispute Settlement under way. The ECS presented a draft reviewed based on the
original Procedural Act, taking into account the experience gained, as key for
addressing the problem of strengthening the enforcement system and consequently
better implementation of the Treaty agreed on a number of amendments.

The here above framework described not because we are or have to
politicising everything. It is brought because the immense chance the Europe is
currently offering, leave us no choice but to address them from a very
political perspective, in a very political manner and having the political
consequences of our decisions. Some still are reluctant and indeed, there is no
silver bullet to tackle the change. However,
the time is not for business as usual. Instead, it is time for honesty with our
ambition, because the integration in European Union is a public good that we
all share.

In the here conclusion, there are many things I could mention and it
still could not be include everything. There
is much more to be said but among all for me, there is one thing that becomes
clear: our best prospective to succeed as a country and the region in whole is only
following the effort to be part of the European Union. We do not have to lose
this chance! Then, we have to change our way of working and have to start faster
working with more European method.

Note: The here communication came within the
framework of preparation of the analytic opinion on the Energy Market
Liberalisation and Regional Integration, to be release in the shortly upcoming
period by ACERC. In cases of interest to the directly cooperation as author
with analyses or for any kind of involvement or support as well as a partner,
contact us at the info@albaniaenergy.org.
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