Policy Conference Programme of Tirana EUSEW 2015, Note Release on 16 April 2015

Conference Programme of Tirana EUSEW 2015

Note Release
on 16 April 2015

Opportunities for a sustainable development offered
for Albania by the Reform of the Energy Community

Ten years ago, Albania together with other countries of the WBs, in a
strategic prospect to a integration in the EU have signed a treaty which created
the Energy Community. By 1st Jan 2015 the countries commitments have
entered in the prevision of the Third Energy Package Area. On 1 January 2015,
Albania also formally took over the Energy Community one year rotating
presidency. Then today Albania is one of the leading countries in energy
reforms in the Western Balkans. The country has made significant progress in initiating
true market reforms. During this year, Albania would see a number of laws
adopted, including that on sectors of the Res, the EE and the sustainable developing. Tirana EUSEW 2015 taking place in framework of the EU Sustainable
Energy Week foresee enquire with the here following policy conference programme.

I. Priorities of
Albania on the Renewable Energy Sector

Directive 2009/28/EC, Albania committed to a binding 38% target of energy from
renewable sources in gross final energy consumption in 2020, compared with
31.2% in 2009. Therefore, in May 2013, Parliament adopted a Renewable Energy
Law dealing mostly with electricity from renewable sources, and only marginally
with energy produced from renewable sources for heating. Putting its
application on hold, is a step back even though alignment with the general
legal framework for electricity makes sense in view of the many overlaps.

any event, the immediate adoption of the NREAP should be the first priority of
the Ministry of Energy and Industry. The network operators have to increase
transparency regarding connection and access to the grids. ERE must also
implement the system for certifying energy produced from renewable sources
based on guarantees of origin. When reforming the electricity market model to
allow for opening of the market, Albania needs to focus not only on the supply
side but also on generation, as a precondition to attract further investments
in renewable energy.

full review of the Law for the Production, Transport and Trade of Biofuels and
other Renewable Fuels in Transport and its implementation is immediately
needed. The focus should be on the certification system, as biodiesel
production take place already in the country. Finally, the current difficult
financial situation of the electricity sector caused by high energy losses,
accumulated bad debts and reduced collection rates create high risks also for
new investments made in renewable energy projects.

II. Priorities of Albania on the Energy Efficiency Sector

A long the first part of the year is expecting that the Ministry of
Energy and Industry finalises and approves the Energy Efficiency Law, as envisaged
by the Ministry’s own timetable. Adopting the new Law on Energy Efficiency
would be of essential importance for the further development of the legislative
framework and for the implementation of energy efficiency measures foreseen for
the achievement of energy efficiency targets.

Furthermore, Albania needs to improve and adopt immediately the second
EEAP, following requirements of the Directive 2006/32/EC and the template
developed by the Energy Efficiency Coordination Group. Besides this, the
institutional framework should be developed and strengthened, with clearly
defined roles and responsibilities. The
establishment of the Energy Efficiency Fund will significantly contribute to
the implementation of the EEAP. Stronger promotion of the exemplary role of the
public sector by EEAP measures is equally important for effective
implementation of Directive 2006/32/EC, in addition to the creation of proper legal,
institutional and financial frameworks.

Another priority should be the development of legislation and regulation
dealing with labelling of energy-related products and energy efficiency in
buildings in order to comply with the Delegated Acts on Labelling and Directive
2010/31/EU by adopting the necessary law(s) and updating the existing Building

III. Priorities
of Albania on the
Environment Sector

The Environmental sector foresee in framework of the energy community the fully align with the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive on
Environmental Permits, Sulphur in Fuels Directive, Large Combustion Plants
Directive. With regard except for the Sulphur in Fuels Directive, Albania has
reached a high level of transposition of the Energy Community environmental acquis
into national law. The efforts should be focused on the practical implementation
of the Directives as well as on capacity building for the authorities
responsible for their implementation.

2015 EU Sustainable Energy Week Conference of Tirana will be held 15 June 2015
by Albanian Centre for Energy Regulation and Conservation – ACERC in partnership
with different Albanian actors that operate locally, regionally and internationally. In dealing
with the above issues the EU Sustainable Energy Week Conference of Tirana
foresee the participation of the energy experts, policy-makers, representatives
of the civil society and the media that will see the hold of several policy
paper on topics related to secure, clean and efficient energy. All the Albanian
Energy stakeholders are invited to contribute with their proposals that
will be evaluate by the ad hoc committee
of the organization. More information
on the Tirana Energy Day will follow shortly.

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